Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trail ride to Branc Castle!

What a gorgeous ride today! It was much warmer, about 6 C, as opposed to -7 like last Sunday. All of the snow has melted, making the fields and paths absolute muddy messes. Didn't stop us from riding out today though! It was only 3 of us, Martina, Barbora and me. These are 2 very lovely Slovak girls; I am so jealous of them because they ride without helmets and their beautiful hair flows behind them as they ride. sigh. I am too paranoid not to wear a helmet and my hair is short anyway lol.

I was riding Bojti, instead of the usual Hory today so was a little nervous about that as well as the footing. It was VERY slippery in places but our sure-footed mounts kept us off the ground today : )
We had some lovely gallops across the fields, a short road hack where we almost were unable to pass a HUGE all -white barking dog behind a fence. The dog even started jumping up so high by the gate that it looked like it was levitating! very cute dog though.

Falcons cruised the fields as we galloped uphill towards the castle. Branc is in ruins but has a good surrounding wall and some very moody towers and partial rooms left. Here's a link with a cool satellite map and some pics and history. If you scan out the map, look for Bukovec, which is where we started, its a little south-east of the castle. It was a little over a 2 hour round trip.

The forest was so lovely in the late afternoon light. We saw lots of deer tracks and boar wallows along the way. Birds were trilling high in the bare trees as our horses navigated the slippery slushy paths.

We took a few pictures but I am waiting for them to be emailed. so: update soon!

We actually rode straight into the ruins, which perch high above the surrounding village, forest and fields, on its own rocky rise. We could see for miles across the countryside over the crumbling rock walls and we felt very medieval on entering the courtyards on horseback.

I worked on sitting the canter/gallop instead of my usual half seat. It worked pretty well on the way there but on the return I was tired and my position fell apart somewhat.ALos worked on keeping my hands quiet and maintaining contact.

Barbora asked when we were in sight of the farm if we would like a last trot/gallop. By this she means flat out gallop, I was fooled at first but no longer haha! Well, she took off and Martina and I followed. I heard screams from behind me and was about to look when the first of several onslaughts of flying mud hit me in the face! The field was half snow and half very wet mud which was flinging like missles of filth off the hooves of Barbora's and my horses! So hilarious! We were totally covered in muck when we finally slowed. Barbora said " I DID ask first" with a suspicious looking smile. A smile on a clean mud-free face. hmmmmm. The twinkle in her eyes made us laugh but she hasn't admitted that she did it on purpose hahahahaha! what a glorious day!

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